Our Services

Your Trusted Pest Control Partner

Locally owned pest control company servicing Greene, Montgomery, Clark, and Clinton counties. We believe in customer service as well as health and safety. Please contact us whenever you have a pest issue. “We take care of the little things.

Fun Fact: Bed bugs do not fly or jump, they only crawl.
Bed bug infestations can cause a severe emotional, psychological and health risk. It is very important to find infestations before they get established. A female bed bug can lay hundreds of eggs and it is important to identify the areas of concern. We will conduct a thorough inspection identifying the places of infestation. Self-treating is the number one way to manifest an infestation. Please call us as soon as you see a problem. Please see our bed bug prep.

Bed Bugs

Fun Fact: A cockroach can live a week without its head.
Cockroaches can enter our home many different ways and once established they can be a health hazard. In our area we deal with certain types such as German, American and Oriental cockroaches. You will find cockroaches in your kitchen and bathroom areas. Sanitation is a big factor in controlling an infestation.


Fun Fact: Termites never sleep.
Termites are a white/ clear color and have a set of wings that are equal to length. Termites are also an all year round pest and can cause major damages to your home. Signs of wood and paint damage are a good indicator that you may have termites.


Fun Fact: Spiders are near sighted.
Spiders can be a year long pest issue. Dark and damp places in your home are where you will find most spiders. Treatments in the basement and around windows will control outbreaks. We will conduct an inspection to identify areas of concern. Clutter and debris is another reason why you may have a spider issue.


Fun Fact: There are over 12,000 different ant species.
Most ants are looking for sugars and proteins. This is why you find them in your kitchens/ pantries. Understanding what type of ant species you have in your home is important so the correct treatment can be conducted. Not all ants are equal therefore treatments are not all the same. Please contact us when you see any type of ant in the home, as this may suggest other issues.


Fun Fact: Mice can control their vertebrates to squeeze through a quarter inch hole.
Mice infestation can be a severe health risk. Mice can make people and pets sick with diseases and bacteria. Understanding where mice droppings are found can explain where they are feeding and/or where they are breeding. If you see a mouse or its droppings please contact as soon as possible, as mice produce as many as 10 liters in a year.


There are many insect infestations that can happen in and outside your home. Identifying the insect is important for the treatment that will be used. If it is creepy and crawly please give us a call. “We take care of the little things.”

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